Nyungwe National Park


Nyungwe National Park, home to a quarter of Africa’s species of primate, and to nearly 300 species of birds, constitute one of the oldest and rarest high altitude habitats in central and eastern Africa. Nyungwe situated in the southwest, in the Albertine Rift, it has been a forest reserve since 1933 and it boasts over 250 species of tree, many of which first originated in the Congo and parts of East Africa. Apart from being Rwanda’s leading chimpanzee tracking safari destination for primates and birding tours in Rwanda. Nyungwe forest Rwanda is the source of Africa’s great rivers including Nile and Congo Nile. Perhaps the best way to experience this wonderland is by way of the Canopy Walkway. Strung high among the treetops is a sturdy steel bridge, built much like a traditional rope bridge but incredibly strong. From its high vantage point, you can look down towards the forest floor to spot the many varieties of birds and monkeys present at this elevation.


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